Parent Resources
We love parents of campers!
Thank you for visiting our website and considering sending your son or daughter to camp. Or perhaps you are thinking of joining as a family, either way, we are glad you are here and hope you will join us at one of our camps this summer or throughout the year.
We take very seriously the responsibility of running camp and partnering with you in teaching your kids and helping them to mature while having a super fun time in an environment where they feel safe to be themselves and just be kids while putting away the many things that can distract them in their every day lives. We know they will have a great time with great counselors, great friends and great outdoor experiences that will lead them to a life-changing experience.
Please check out the many pages and resources that will help you as you decide which camp is right for you and for your kids.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Have questions that weren’t answered here? Or if you want to come up and see the property and meet some of the staff before you come to camp, call (262) 248-5500 or email i[email protected] for more questions about camp.
Set up a tour or a time for someone to come to your home or church.
Frequently Asked Questions
Most of the questions below can be answered in the Very Important Parent (VIP) Packet, which can be found on the Parent Documents page.
For additional questions which are not answered on this page, or in the VIP Packet, please contact our office at (262) 248-5500
What time do we register?
Classic Camp: Sunday – 1:30 pm-3:00 pm
Day Camp: Daily – 8:00 am-8:30 am (Early check-in option begins at 7:30 am)
Family Camp: typically between 7:00 pm-8:00 pm, but please check your VIP for exact information.
More specific information for your week of camp is included in the VIP pack.
Can my son/daughter be with his/her friends?
Although we cannot guarantee bunk buddies and cabin assignments, we will make every effort to ensure that your camper is placed with his/her friends. Each camper can request to be with two other bunk buddies. Bunk buddies must be requested on your registration form. We will try to put more campers together if they are coming as a group of friends, but cannot guarantee that more than two friends will be put together.
What do campers do?
Camp is non-stop fun. Campers have over 47 options to choose from while they are at LGYC. To see a sample schedule, visit the camp's page you are interested in attending and check out a typical day at that camp.
Visit our Activities tab for a list of activities your camper will have an opportunity to try.
How much time do campers spend in chapel and other Bible study activities?
At LGYC we typically have chapel twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Campers love their time in chapel and often rate it as one of their favorite times of the week. In chapel, campers play quiz games, sing contemporary worship songs, and hear God’s word from dynamic relevant speakers.
Each day campers have time for personal reflection during individual morning devotions and quiet time during afternoon cabin time. Campers are encouraged to hide God’s word in their heart through daily memory verses and through memorizing scripture for patches. Campers will also have a time for group reflection during Bible studies led by their counselor each evening during cabin time.
How much money should I give them to spend?
Money put in the bank is used in the canteen for snacks and attire, in handcraft for supplies, and for extra games of paintball if campers choose to play additional rounds ($5). The typical amount most parents put in the bank is between $25 and $50 for a week of camp. Campers will have the opportunity to be reimbursed for any money left in their bank at the end of the week.
Can I send a letter or a package?
Campers love to get letters from home! We suggest sending your camper positive letters encouraging them to learn their verses, do a project in Handcraft, hold an animal in the Nature Center, experience the Giant Swing, and make new friends. You may not hear from your camper all week because they are having too much fun!
Receiving packages at camp is always fun! If you are sending a package, please remember that food encourages animals and bugs. Instead, please send fun items that can be shared among a cabin of about 13 campers.
Letters and packages can be dropped off at the office during registration, or mailed to your camper for delivery during the week. Please label letters and packages with your child’s name and cabin number.
Lake Geneva Youth Camp
W2655 South Street
Lake Geneva, WI 53147
Can I call?
Campers will not have access to phones while they are at camp unless they request to call home. In order to provide a great “away” experience for your camper, parents are asked not to call unless there is an emergency.
Please do not send cell phones with your campers. We are not responsible for lost or stolen cell phones. If your camper needs to talk to you they can always call from the camp office.
Thanks for your understanding in this. We are not trying to keep you from getting in contact with your camper rather we are trying to create an environment that is out of their normal everyday experience and give them time to be with their friends and in the moment.
How does camp handle homesickness?
Staff is instructed to try to keep campers at camp for as long as possible. If a camper begins to experience homesickness and goes home immediately, his/her openness to trying another overnight experience in the future greatly diminishes. If a camper is able to stay until the end of the week, more often than not, they forget about their homesickness, have a great time, and look forward to coming back another year.
If a camper starts to feel homesick, a counselor will come alongside them and help them get involved with other cabin mates and in fun camp activities. If the homesickness continues, program staff and the Nurse may also get involved. If a camper insists that they call home, or if homesickness continues, the parents will be called at that time.
Can I stop by to see him/her?
In order to ensure the safety of all campers, LGYC is a “closed” camp. This means that we ask parents not to visit during the week of camp, if at all possible. If you must stop by camp for some reason, you must stop by the office to sign in and wear a visitor badge or lanyard.
Do you have a bus that will pick him/her up in my neighborhood?
We do not offer transportation to and from camp. There are some groups that come to camp on buses. If you are part of a group, contact your group leader to find out more information.
Do you schedule carpooling?
We do not schedule carpooling for campers.
When do I have to pay the balance?
The balance for camp payments is due 2 weeks prior to the start of camp. This allows for a fast and smooth check-in process.
Why do I have to fill out a health form if my child came to camp last year?
In order to ensure camper safety and comply with Wisconsin State Law, each camper must fill out a health form each year as changes may have occurred.
Who can apply for financial assistance?
Through the generous gifts of many donors giving to the Camper Sponsorship Fund, we have the ability to give out a limited number of camper sponsorships to families who demonstrate significant financial need. We understand that not every family will qualify for a sponsorship, so we also offer a variety of promotions and discounts to help you save money. Check out our promotions page to learn about many different ways to save or how to apply for a sponsorship.
Lost and found questions:
At the end of each week of camp, lost and found items will be put out by the canteen on a table for parents to peruse for items their camper may have lost. “Nicer” items will be kept in the office. Items will be kept for two weeks before they are donated to Goodwill or a clothing distribution center. If you do not find a specific lost item you are looking for, please contact the office at (262)248-5500.
Do you accommodate food allergies?
If your child has food allergies, please make sure to include that information on your registration form. No peanuts or tree nuts are served in our dining hall. If you have questions or would like to talk to our Food Service Director, please contact the office at (262)248-5500.
All items should be clearly marked with the camper’s name.
*Printable Packing Sheets are available on the Parent Docs page and in the VIP’s
Classic Camp and Family Camp:
- Bible, Notebook, and Pen
- Personal Toiletries
- Sleeping Bag (Preferred) or Twin Bed Sheets and Blanket
- Pillow and Pillow Case
- Beach Towel, Bath Towel, and Washcloth
- Play Clothes
- Extra Shoes, Athletic Shoes
- Raincoat & Jacket
- Modest Swimwear –one-piece lined suits or tankinis, NO bikinis (modesty will be at the discretion of camp staff)
- Bug Spray (Strongly Suggested)
- Sunscreen
- Flashlight or Headlamp
- Laundry Bag
- Water Shoes (Optional)
Day Camp:
- Sack Lunch
- Snack or Fruit
- Water Bottle
- Bible, Notebook, and Pen
- Backpack
- Towel
- Play Clothes
- Extra Shoes, Athletic Shoes
- Raincoat & Jacket
- Modest Swimwear –one-piece lined suits or tankinis, NO bikinis (modesty will be at the discretion of camp staff)
- Bug Spray (strongly suggested)
- Sunscreen
- Water Shoes (Optional)
What NOT to bring:
- Tobacco Products, Alcoholic Beverages or Drugs
- Any form of weaponry (knives, guns, etc.)
- Scooters, Skateboards, Bicycles, Fireworks
- Electronic devices of any kind (any electronic device will be retained by our staff and returned at the end of the week. Family Camp – We discourage use of these items while at camp, but leave it to the discretion of parents.)
Each year parents entrust into our care over 20,000 campers and guests.
LGYC takes this responsibility very seriously. We have taken great care to create programs, training, and processes designed to safeguard your child during their time at camp.
LGYC has a well-defined process to supervise campers and staff. This process helps to create a positive and healthy experience for your camper. The process consists of multiple layers of management oversight in all areas concerning safety, health, and risk management.
Camp operates day-to-day under a strict schedule of programs and activities with continuous supervision provided by our staff. Staff and campers receive training and orientation regarding appropriate and inappropriate behavior when interacting in camp. LGYC’s supervision process directs each person to monitor the conduct of all persons in camp and to report any behavior which is not consistent with LGYC’s code of conduct guidelines.
While illnesses can strike and accidents can happen, it is our commitment to you that we will exercise every foreseeable precaution to minimize these risks. The following represents a summary of actions we take to provide a positive and healthy experience for your child.
One of the greatest concerns you as a parent faces is who influences your child. For this reason, we believe it is imperative that staff members are properly screened and possess the training, skills, education, abilities, and heart required to enhance LGYC’s effectiveness. LGYC employs a Camp Director and Summer Staff Coordinator who manage all summer staff. A Human Resources staff person(s) is consulted in matters of hiring policy and procedure. Our policies are reviewed by a national insurance organization for safety compliance.
Hiring practices include an application process, criminal and sexual offender background checks, personal interviews, and a review of written personal references. Due to a large number of applicants each year, LGYC is able to be extremely selective in our summer staff hiring process. Our directors hand-pick each staff member for their passion, spiritual maturity, love for kids, and commitment to LGYC’s vision and mission. Each summer employees are instructed on general camp safety and security guidelines as well as appropriate behavior with minors. All staff sign a contract agreeing to follow LGYC’s policies and procedures throughout the duration of their employment.
Camper Orientation:
To promote a positive and healthy camp experience, each camp conducts camper orientation talks that include the following topics:
- Opening Day Safe & Secure Talk – In an age-appropriate manner, all campers will be instructed on what kinds of visual, verbal, and physical conduct is appropriate and what kinds are inappropriate at camp. This includes staff-to-camper conduct, camper-to-camper conduct, modesty, and one-on-one policy.
- Year-Round Camper Contact – Godly relationships are an important part of the LGYC experience. We want to stay in contact with your family throughout the year in a way that respects your family and provides encouragement. We will explain what your camper should expect in terms of continuing communication from camp.
- Reporting System – At the beginning of every term, each camp will educate campers on the different methods available to report inappropriate conduct at camp.
LGYC has implemented several ways for staff, campers, and parents to report inappropriate conduct or concerns at camp. Some of the reporting systems in place are:
- Camp Director – We always encourage staff, campers, and parents to let the Camp Director know of inappropriate conduct or concerns first. This allows for immediate action. In addition, our staff is encouraged to hold each other accountable regarding all policies and guidelines.
- Confidential Hotline – A toll-free telephone number (877-509-3509) has been set up for parents and staff to report concerns. This confidential number is staffed by a third party firm and will report any concerns to LGYC’s ministries.
Cabin and General Safety:
The safety of your camper is important to us. As a parent, we want you to be assured that your child will be in a safe environment while at LGYC. Each cabin can sleep up to 13 campers. Smaller cabins will have one head counselor, while fuller cabins will have two counselors – a head counselor and a junior counselor. Additional staff will be watching over campers throughout the grounds during the week.
Waterfront Safety:
We use only Red Cross certified lifeguards at the waterfront. To ensure safety, each camp conducts a swim test on the first day, and campers are given a wristband representing one of three swim levels. Campers travel to and from the lake with counselors, and they are checked in and out before entering and leaving the swim area to ensure all campers are accounted for.
Recreation Safety:
Activities at camp are scheduled and closely supervised. All staff are trained and tested prior to supervising and coaching campers. Rules are communicated and campers receive instruction before engaging in activities. Certified, trained staffers supervise our extreme recreation activities, such as the Zipline, Giant Swing, Indoor Climbing Wall, and Archery. Campers wear helmets and are securely harnessed to safety lines during climbs, while using the Giant Swing, and at Zipline.
Health Services – Nurse:
LGYC has well-developed health service procedures for campers during our summer programs. This medical care is provided in the health center/nurse station with treatment from licensed physicians and nurses. Additionally, LGYC certifies many summer staff on CPR, First Aid, and Life Saving. Advanced medical care is provided by one of three hospitals which are located in the Lake Geneva, Wisconsin area.
Facility Management and Safety:
At LGYC, we understand your concern for your child’s physical safety. Camp facilities and premises are well maintained by a full-time maintenance department. Aside from job-specific training, key staff are trained and certified in applicable areas such as water quality, pesticides, and OSHA. Facilities are equipped with good walking surfaces, handrails, and lighting. Smoke detectors are placed throughout the facilities and in all of the cabins. Fire extinguishers are also located throughout the facilities. Key locations in each camp are equipped with fire suppression hoses connected to main water lines.
Food Service Safety:
Dining halls are managed by a full-time, year-round, certified Food Service Director, as well as on-site kitchen managers and assistant managers. A professional-grade cooking facility and approved hood and extinguishing systems are used. Each dining hall is inspected by county health officials prior to each camping season. All food is purchased by LGYC’s Food Service Director through reputable, insured vendors.
Camp Security:
Access to our camp is controlled by gates, walls, fences, and environmental barriers. Visitors are directed to sign in and wear a visitor badge or lanyard. During the summer, assigned security staff patrol the roads that run alongside the camps, staff parking lots, and outer buildings. At night, camp security staff patrol the campuses.
Transportation Safety:
Camper transportation is overseen by the Camp Director. Transportation of campers may include off-camp trips and activities. Campers are transported in vans and school buses operated by drivers age 21 and older with an approved motor vehicle record and a state equivalent license. Bus drivers must have approved motor vehicle records and pass any applicable written tests and submit to random drug testing.
Your adventures at Lake Geneva Youth Camp will NEVER be boring!
We have enough recreation, adventure and fun options available to keep you on the edge of adrenaline during your entire time at camp.
Check out our many exciting activities!
Recreation Activities
70′ Giant Swing – “The Screamer”
28′ Indoor climbing wall
300′ Double zip line
Summer Only Activities
Giant slip-n-slide
Swimming in Geneva Lake at our private waterfront with 300′ of lakefront
Water Skiing and Tubing
Boat Rides
Year Round Activities
Sand Volleyball
Outdoor Basketball
Huge Gymnasium
Paddle boats
Row Boats
Hiking trails (at Big Foot State Park, adjacent to camp)
Game Room with Ping Pong, Air Hockey, and Carpet Ball
GaGa Ball
9 Square in the Air
Huge Fields for Fun Games
Lots of Woods to explore
Laying in a field with your friends and picking out shapes
Looking for 4 leaf clovers… Okay, we are getting a little carried away here.
As you can see we have many fun and engaging camp activities that are sure to provide a wonderful time for your camper.
Winter Only Activities
Snow tubing
Drinking Hot Chocolate
Making Snow Angels
Building Snowmen
Promotions and Discounts
Bring A Friend
Few things could make camp more fun, but bringing your friends with you is one of them. When you bring a friend who has never attended summer camp at Lake Geneva Youth Camp, you will both receive $100* off! You can receive $100* off for EVERY new friend that you bring to camp!
Bring A Cabin
New for this year! We have a special promotion for returning campers. If you bring 11 of your friends (new and returning campers) to fill a cabin, you camp for FREE (applies to registration fees only) and each of your friends will receive $100 off of their registration fees. You will also receive a free LGYC Swag Pack (retail value of $27). There are a limited number of “Bring A Cabin” promotions available. Please contact the camp registrar at [email protected] to sign up and receive the special promo code for your group. Discounts will be applied on the day of check-in.
*Promotion applies to week-long Classic Camp only.
Multi-Week Promotion
Attend a second week of camp and save up to $100* off your second week. You will receive this discount upon registering online for a second week of camp.
Sibling Discount
You can receive up to $50* off when more than one child attends classic camp during the summer season. Just be sure to register the siblings at the same time.
*Bring a Friend Promotion for Daycamp is $10 and for Primary Camp is $25
*Multi-week discounts are as follows: Daycamp - $10, Primary Camp - $25, Classic Camp - $100
*Sibling discounts are as follows: Daycamp - $10, Primary Camp - $25, Classic Camp - $50
*One Promotional discount per individual