Patch Program

Become a C.H.I.E.F


Our mission is to see campers have a life-changing experience in Christ. The goal is to make the journey of earning patches a catalyst for having people become more like Jesus. The patch program’s framework serves to focus on campers developing the characteristics and priorities of Jesus.

C: Courageously stand for truth 

A person who knows believes, and lives by the authority of the Word of God in all areas of life. 

H: Humbly serve 

A person who seeks to serve Jesus by serving people in simple and significant ways. 

I: Identity in Christ 

A person who finds their core identity in whom Jesus says they are as revealed in the Bible. 

E: Equipped (in heart and skill) to share the gospel 

A trained and experienced person in sharing the good news of Jesus with anyone and everyone they meet. 

F: Faithful to God and others 

A person who acts on what they know and believe about God and displays their faith by what they do and say. 

The patches provide challenges and experiences for people to grow over their camp journey to become disciples who make disciples. We long to see CHIEFs become TEEN SERVE participants and for those people to move to be involved in PATHWAY and grow to be a part of our full-time staff. The desire is future involvement and participation in God’s Kingdom and here at camp.  

Patch Requirements


(For campers in Primary Camp) 

C - Memorize John 3:16-17. 

H - Read Philippians 2:3-5 with your cabin leader, and come up with one thing you will do this week to serve others around you. 

I - Participate in the Nature Class. Go on a Treasure Hunt and talk with your cabin leader about, “What in nature shows us who God is?” 

E - Participate in the Handcraft Gospel color project. 

F - Bring your Bible to each Chapel session. Attend the entire camp session. 


(for 3rd grade at the earliest) 

C - Memorize Romans 1:16-17. 

H - Work with others to clean the Chapel each day. (review Philippians 2: 3-5)  

I - Look up John 1:12 and 2 Corinthians 5:17. Fill in the blanks in your booklet to show your cabin leaders. 

E - Make a leather bead ‘Gospel’ bracelet in Handcraft. Explain its meaning to the cabin leader.  

F - Complete an entire week of camp. Bring your Bible to each chapel session. Help others with cabin clean-up and show a new camper around the camp.  



(for 4th grade at the earliest + complete previous patches) 

C - Memorize Psalm 23  

H - Serve within the cabin by leading cabin clean-up once. Clean up dishes for your cabin once—review Philippians 2:3-5 with the cabin leader.  

I - Look up Romans 8:37, Philippians 3:20, and Colossians 3:12. Fill in the blanks in your booklet to show cabin leaders. 

E - Memorize Romans 3:23 and learn the “Bridge to Life” model. Explain this to two people while at camp.  

F - Participate in all camp activities with a willing attitude, friendliness, and obedience. Complete an entire week of camp. Bring your Bible to each Chapel session. Participate in the “faithful Archery lesson.”  



(for 5th grade at the earliest + complete previous patches) 

C - Memorize Ephesians 6:10-18. 

H - Serve outside the cabin. Review Philippians 2: 3-5 with cabin leaders. On Thursday, after lunch, clean up trash around the cabin area and pavilion.  

I - Look up John 15:16, Galatians 2:20, and 1 Peter 2:9. Choose one verse to explain your identity in Christ to cabin leaders.  

E - Create a Gospel bracelet in Handcraft and share the gospel’s message with your cabin. Make a list of at least two people with whom you would like to share the gospel.  

F - Participate in all camp activities with a willing attitude, friendliness, and obedience. Complete the entire week of camp and the “time alone with God” experience each day. Bring your Bible to each Chapel session. 


(for 6th grade at the earliest + complete previous patches)  

C - Memorize Isaiah 40: 21-31. 

H – Serve in the food service department on Tuesday and Thursday after lunch for clean-up. Review Philippians 2:3-5 with cabin leaders.  

I - Complete the “Identity in Christ” study in your patch manual. 

E - Attend a workshop on how to write and lead a devotional.  

F - Participate in all camp activities with a willing attitude, friendliness, and obedience. Complete the entire week of camp and the intentional time alone with God, practicing the P.R.A.Y. method each day. Bring your Bible to each Chapel session.  


(for 7th grade at the earliest + complete previous patches) 

C – Memorize John 15: 1-9. 

H - Serve in the food service department on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after lunch for clean-up. Review Philippians 2: 3-5 with cabin leaders.  

I - Read through and talk about the Sonlife “IDENTITY” book (provided) with cabin leaders or Chief patch members. Read through the first three sections (pages 7–29).  

E - Attend a workshop on learning and practice using the G.O.S.P.E.L.  

F – Go on the Pray Hike adventure. Join others on a hike to experience God outdoors and learn to pray. Also, practice what you’ve learned and prayed before one of the meals. Participate in all camp activities with a willing attitude, friendliness, and obedience. Complete the entire week of camp, and bring your Bible to each Chapel session.  


(for 8th grade at the earliest + complete previous patches)

C - Memorize Proverbs 2:1-11. 

H - Take your cabin and help a younger cabin with their Bible memory.  

I - Read through and talk about the Sonlife “IDENTITY” book (provided) with cabin leaders or Chief patch members. Read through the last three sections (pages 30-57).  

E - Attend the workshop on how to write a devotional on the G.O.S.P.E.L. Share the devotion with your cabin. 

F - Participate in all camp activities with a willing attitude, friendliness, and obedience. Complete the entire week of camp. Bring your Bible to each Chapel session. Participate in an ADVENTURE CHALLENGE CANOE TRIP*. Must pass swim qualifications.  

*if needed, an alternative activity will be arranged with the Program Director.  


(for 8th-grade graduates and higher + complete previous patches)  

C - Memorize Philippians 3:12-21. 

H - Serve at camp in a special role in one of the following ways: 1) Come to summer camp as a non-camper and serve for three days. 2) Come to a special one-day service project day. Or you can make arrangements with the Program Team to come and serve any time of the week.  

I - Read, review, and lead a person through the Sonlife “IDENTITY” book. Read through the first three sections (pages 7–29). 

E - Develop and share your faith story with the camp Chief Champion and share it with your cabin, at staff devotionals, or during a chapel session. 

F - Participate in all camp activities with a willing attitude, friendliness, and obedience. Complete the entire week of camp and the intentional time alone with God experience each day – practicing the S.O.A.P. study method. Bring your Bible to each Chapel session. Finally, share with your cabin what God is teaching you. 

Scripture Memorization Patch


C - Joshua 1: 7-8  

H - Philippians 2:3-5  

I - 1 Peter 2:9  

E - 1 Peter 3:15  

F - Hebrews 11:6  

For advanced Bible memory, QUARTER BARS:  


Philippians 1  

Philippians 2  

Philippians 3  

Philippians 4  

We have put together a list of FAQs below. As we implement this new patch program, we truly desire that God uses the relationships that form at camp to move each camper forward in knowing, loving, and serving Jesus 

F. A. Q.’s 

1. Why did you change the patch program? 

- We are genuinely seeking to obey God in stewarding His gift to us here at LGYC in the clarity of why we exist… To be a place set apart for life-changing experiences in Christ. Therefore, in all that we can humanly do, we want to provide content, relationships, and experiences for each person who is a part of the ministry of LGYC to experience Christ. We believe a patch program is a valuable tool that God will use to develop His disciple-making purposes and passion in people who come to camp. Please partner with us in this significant endeavor as we seek to glorify God in all things by making disciples who make disciples. 

2. How do I make the change from the previous patch program to the new one? 

- This is a bit of a blending experience and we need ask for your flexibility as we make the change. Begin with the current patch you are on. Then, look at which grade you are going into after the summer and start with the patch at that grade. If there is a significant gap, the requested direction you take would be to get aligned with the new patch grade. 

For example, if you have completed your Warrior patch and this coming summer are going for your Eagle patch; look at the grade for the Eagle patch (6th grade or higher). If you are going into 6th grade – or higher – then go for the new Eagle patch. If you are younger than 6th grade, then go for the new Warrior patch. 

3. What about those who are going for their CHIEF patch this summer? 

- To work through each person’s circumstances, we invite these two elements to be VERY present in your thinking: First is, keep in mind this is ALL about growing into a disciple-maker like Jesus. The second is to talk with either the Program Director or the CHIEF Champion of each camp to work out a plan that is reasonable. From here, the biggest challenge a Chief faces is two-fold: One being the grade of a Chief candidate. Notice that the grade level for a CHIEF is now completed in 8th grade. The other challenge is the ability to accomplish the “H” element: Humbly Serve. We have structured this to create investment and ownership into both the kingdom of God and the ministry at LGYC. We long to see CHIEFS become TEEN SERVE helpers, and for those people to move to be involved in PATHWAY, and even to grow to be a part of our full-time staff. The desire is future involvement and participation. 

To try and offer effective growth and movement for people going for their CHIEF patch, here are some suggestions: 

a. Align your grade status with the patch that is described. For example, if you are going to be an 8th grader next year, you would do the new Councilmen patch requirements. By the way, you are welcome to do the new BEAR patch too! See next question for more info. 

b. If you are going to be a 9th grader next year, you could begin working on your “H” requirement as soon as possible. This is described in the CHIEF requirements above. Please remember that there is no end date as to when you can get your CHIEF patch. The goal is to run after Jesus and grow to be a disciple of His who makes disciples. 

4. I notice that there is a new patch between Eagle and Councilmen, the BEAR patch? Where did this come from? 

- You will notice a few new names of patches. We want to introduce the “CUB”, “WOLF” and “BEAR” patches! These are fresh names with relevant challenges for a person to develop the characteristics and priorities of Jesus in their life. As for the BEAR patch: This is to allow smoother continuity as a person moves through each year of being a camper and growing like Jesus. 

5. Can I get a BIBLE MEMORY PATCH and a regular patch in the same year? 

- Yes, the BIBLE MEMORY patch can be acquired once all the requirements for the patch you are working on are accomplished. You may only get one BIBLE MEMORY patch each year. However, as you progress in BIBLE MEMORY, you will not get another patch, but you will earn a Quarter Bar. 

6. Can I get more than one patch during the summer? 

- No. The challenge remains the same. Earn one patch per summer by completing all the requirements in the patch you are working on. 

If you have additional questions, please be sure to reach out to the Program Director. The idea is to emphasize relationships and becoming more like Jesus more so than complete a ‘program’. 

C: courageously stand for truth: a person who knows, believes, and lives by the authority of the Word of God in all areas of life. 

· Joshua 1:7-8 Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go. 8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. 

H: humbly serve: a person who seeks to serve Jesus by serving people in simple and significant ways. 

· Philippians 2:3-5 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others. 5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 

I: identity in Christ: a person who finds their core identity in who Jesus says he/she is as revealed in the Bible. 

· 1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 

E: equipped (in heart and skill) to share the gospel: a person who is trained and experienced in sharing the good news of Jesus with anyone and everyone they meet. 

· 1 Peter 3:15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, 

F: faithful to God and others: a person who acts on what they believe about God and displays his/her faith by what they do and say. 

· Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. 

The Disciple-Making Patch journey begins with the Cub patch. Notice these are challenges to step up to as the person is in a relationship with other campers and those who are leading them. 

The intent is that a person can acquire one patch per year and that patches go in order.